JAMS Scheduler Debian Repository

This repository contains packages by HelpSystems that support the JAMS Scheduler.

Other Repositories

Browse the repository. This repository uses 0x0744742A as signing key.

To add this key to APT, use:

gpg --recv-keys 0x0744742A && gpg -–armor -–export 0x0744742A | sudo apt-key add –

To include this repository in your APT repository list, add this to /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://download.jamsscheduler.com/repo/debian stable main


Package Name Description Architecture Version
jams-agentd Linux Agent Daemon for JAMS Scheduler amd64 6.5.33-1
i386 -
jamsagentx Linux On-Demand Agent for JAMS Scheduler amd64 6.0.5-1
i386 6.0.5-1
jamsagentx-static Linux On-Demand Agent for JAMS Scheduler, built statically amd64 6.0.5-1
i386 6.0.5-1

Tar Files

Unpack with tar -xzf file.tgz and follow the README.

Package Name Description Architecture Version
jams-agentd Linux Agent Daemon for JAMS Scheduler amd64 6.5.33-1
i386 -