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Create or replace a JAMS Execution Method.


CREATE METHOD method-name



A valid JAMS Method name.


The CREATE METHOD command is used to create or replace a JAMS Execution Method Definition.


You must have execution access to JAMS Configuration settings.
related commands



This qualifier is used to specify a command which is sent to a JAMS Agent to execute the job's command procedure. If the command contains "%s", the name of the temporary command procedure is inserted in it's place.


This qualifier can be used to specify a description of the new Method.


This qualifier is used to specify the default file extension for a job's command procedure.


The /JOB_MODULE qualifier can be used to specify the name of a text module in the template library which is used as the starting point for parsing the job's command procedure. Specifying a value with this qualifier implies that the job is parsed.


The /OPTIONS qualifier can be used to specify one or more of the following options:
COMMAND Specifies that this method uses a command instead of a command procedure. The job's source is not a file specification but is instead a single command.
INTERACTIVE Specifies that this method will run a Windows NT job interactively. When running, the job will have access to the default Window Station and display.
PARSE Specifies that the procedure specified with the /PROCEDURE qualifier is the name of a text module in the template library. This specifies that the procedure should be parsed, possibly in addition to parsing the job's source.


The /PROCEDURE qualifier can be used to specify the name of a command procedure or text module in the template library which is used as the starting point for parsing and building a temporary command procedure. This procedure is executed by JAMS to indirectly execute a job.



This qualifier is used to specify whether you want to create or replace the Definition. If you omit this qualifier, the Definition will be created if it does not exist and replaced if it does exist. If you specify /REPLACE, an error will be returned if the Definition does not exist and no changes will be made. If you specify /NOREPLACE, an error will be returned if the Definition exists and no changes will be made.


Specifies what type of execution method this is. The supported types are:
AGENT Runs the job via a JAMS Agent. The procedure specified with the /PROCEDURE qualifier is executed in a detached process to send the job's command procedure to the Agent.
DETACH Executes the job's command procedure as a detached process.
PROCEDURE Runs the job indirectly via the command procedure specified with the /PROCEDURE qualifier. This procedure is executed as a detached process.
SUBMIT Submits the job's command procedure to an OpenVMS batch queue.

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