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Appendix A
Error Messages in order by Identifier

This appendix provides a description of the error messages which can be displayed or returned by the JAMS software system.

A.1 Error Message Format

JAMS uses standard VMS messages to return information to the user. Standard VMS messages have the following general format:



A VMS facility or component name. JAMS messages use the facility name JAMS. JAMS may also display messages which are returned by other facilities. A percent sign (%) prefixes the first message in a sequence of related messages. Subsequent messages in the sequence are prefixed with a hyphen (-).


An indicator of the severity of the error. The possible values and their meaning are listed in the following table:
Code Meaning
S Success
I Informational
W Warning
E Error
F Fatal


An abbreviation of the message.


The text of the error message.


The messages in this appendix are arranged in alphabetical order based on the identifier of the message. If you want to locate a message based on the message's text, you can look up the identifier in Appendix B.
ABNTERM, Message from the JAMS Batch Job Monitor at dd-mmm-yyyy Abnormal termination of job xxxx, final status was...

Explanation: This message is broadcast to your terminal is a batch job terminates abnormally and you are on the notification list.
User Action: This is notification that one of your jobs died, you may want to find out why.
ALRAUTOSUBMIT, Job has already been auto-submitted after this time.

Explanation: The JAMS_AUTOSUBMIT Job did not submit this Job because the Job has already been submitted with a scheduled time which is on or after the last time scheduled date/time for this Setup. This can happen if you re-run JAMS_AUTOSUBMIT or if you change the scheduled time and.or parameter values for JAMS_AUTOSUBMIT.
User Action: You should known what has caused this overlap of scheduled times. If you are re-running JAMS_AUTOSUBMIT because of a system crash, double check the last job in the report which has this message and make sure that it was in fact submitted.
AMBIGPERIOD, Ambiguous period specified.

Explanation: In a text date specification, you referenced a specific period which is defined for more than one date type. This frequently happens when your company uses more than one fiscal year and you define both fiscal year date types using the same specific names for each month.
User Action: You can change your date type definitions and specify unique names for the specific periods however, since these date types are already in use, this change may affect other people and/or Job definitions.

You could also use both the specific period and date type in your date specification such as "FIRST DAY OF fiscal period_01" instead of "FIRST DAY OF period_01".

ASTLMREACHED, AST Limit reached, restarting with a larger ASTLM.

Explanation: The JAMS_SCHEDULE process nearly exceeded it's ASTLM quota. It is restarting with a larger ASTLM quota.
User Action: None.
CANCELJOB, Job Canceled by precheck Job.

Explanation: If a Precheck Job exits with this status, the Job which caused the Precheck to run will be deleted from the batch queues.
User Action: None.
CANTSUBMIT, Errors encountered while trying to submit job.

Explanation: One or more errors were encountered while submitting a Job. Subsequent messages will describe the errors which were encountered.
User Action: Review the subsequent error messages and take appropriate action.
CHARDEFINED, Defined characteristic xxxxxx, number nn..

Explanation: When the Schedule process is starting, it checks for a number of queue characteristics. If these characteristics are not defined, it will define them and issue this message.
User Action: None.
CHARERROR, Unable to obtain or define a JAMS characteristic.

Explanation: A JAMS procedure could not obtain or define the value of one of the JAMS characteristics. JAMS characteristics are defined by the JAMS_SCHEDULE process when it starts up.
User Action: Use the SHOW/QUE/CHAR command to display the queue characteristics which are defined on your system. If there are no available queue characteristic numbers, JAMS cannot define a new characteristic. If one of the JAMS characteristics is not defined and there are available characteristic numbers, make sure that the VMS Queue manager is running and then use the STOP SCHEDULE and START SCHEDULE commands to restart the JAMS_SCHEDULE process.
CHECKJOBS, Discovered missing job on dd-mmm-yyyy.

Explanation: A batch job which was executing seems to have disappeared. If the monitor cannot find the job in a reasonable period of time, it will declare the job missing in action.
User Action: If the job is subsequently declared MIA, submit an SPR.
CIRCPRECHK, This Pre-Check would create a circular reference.

Explanation: The Job you specified as a Pre-check Job would create a circular list of Pre-checks. A circular list of Pre-checks is one which forms a circle of Jobs. For example, JOBA has a Pre-check of JOBB which has a Pre-check of JOBC which has a Pre-check of JOBA. If you were allowed to form a circle like this, when you submitted one of the Jobs in the circle, JAMS would continuously submit the circle of Jobs.
User Action: None.
CONFDEL, Press Gold/D to confirm deletion.

Explanation: You are in delete mode and you have selected an item to be deleted. The item which you have selected is displayed for your review.
User Action: If the item which is displayed is the one which you want to delete, press [Gold/D] to confirm the deletion, otherwise, press any other key to abort the deletion.
CRENETWORK, Creating a NETWORK process on !%D.

Explanation: This message logs when a Monitor process tries to start a new JAMS_NETWORK process.
User Action: None.
CRESCHED, Creating a SCHEDULE process on dd-mmm-yyyy.

Explanation: This message may appear in a Monitor processes log file. It is used to provide a audit trail of the creation of Schedule processes.
User Action: None.
CURRENTINV, /CURRENT is invalid for this data type.

Explanation: The /CURRENT qualifier (or option bit) is valid only for Variables with a data type of DATE, TIME or DATETIME.
User Action: Correct your code or command or change the Variables data type.
CWSHUT, Clusterwide JAMS shutdown requested.

Explanation: This is an informational message. When you use the STOP MONITOR/CLUSTER command to shutdown the monitor and schedule processes on the entire cluster, this message is displayed.
User Action: None.
DATANOTAVAIL, Specified data is not available.

Explanation: JAMS_GET_DATA cannot return the specified data because it is not available.
User Action: None.
DATEDNOTFOU, Unable to locate record with this Type and date.

Explanation: You are trying to view or modify a date definition and a record with the specified Date Type and date cannot be found.
User Action: Verify the data entered, use the [Find] key to display a list of dates.
DATENOTFOU, Date Type not found.

Explanation: You are trying to use a Date Type which is not defined.
User Action: Enter a valid Date Type or, use the Find key to list the valid Date Types.
DATENSU, Dates for this period have not been defined.

Explanation: You have entered an English language date specification which references a valid, user defined date type but, the dates for the time period you are referencing have not been defined. For example, the date specification "1ST WORKDAY OF NEXT FISCAL NOVEMBER" may be a valid date specification but, if the start of Fiscal November of next year has not been defined, this message will be returned.
User Action: Verify that your date specification is correct. If so, then you need to define the specific dates which you are referring to.
DATEONFILE, This Date Type is already on file.

Explanation: You are in Add mode and the Date Type which you entered is already defined.
User Action: Select a different Date Type or use Modify mode.
DUPPARAM, Duplicate Parameter names on one Job are not allowed.

Explanation: You tried to define a parameter which has the same name as another parameter in this job. Parameter names must be unique within a Job.
User Action: Select a different parameter name.
DUPREPORT, Duplicate Report names on one Job are not allowed.

Explanation: You tried to define a report which has the same name as another report in this job. Report names must be unique within a Job.
User Action: Select a different report name.
DUPTRGACTION, This Trigger already contains this Action.

Explanation: A Trigger cannot submit the same Job more than once.
User Action: You could create a duplicate Trigger or create a Job which contains JAMS submit commands to submit the same Job more than once.
DUPTRGEVENT, This Trigger already contains this Event.

Explanation: A Trigger cannot reference the same Job of Variable in two events.
User Action: If you are trying to define a Trigger with OR logic, create two separate Triggers.
ENDBEFORESTART, The end time cannot be before the scheduled time.

Explanation: The end time of a Setup which resubmits itself must be after the Setups schedule time.
User Action: If you want to have a Job resubmitted during a time span which includes midnight, you must define two Setups. One for the range before midnight and one for the range after midnight.
EXECUTING, Job should be executing.

Explanation: This is the message code is used on job history records during the time that the job is executing.
User Action: If the job is actually executing, there is no action. If the job is not executing, please submit an SPR.
FIELDFULL, Field is full !

Facility: SCU, Screen Control Utility
Explanation: You are trying to enter more characters into a field than the field definition allows.
User Action: None.
FILEERR, Unable to locate/access job file xxxxxx

Explanation: While trying to submit a job, the JAMS could not locate or open the command file specified in the Job definition.
User Action: Verify your Job and System definitions. The name of the file is specified in the Job definition. The device and directory are specified in the System definition. Any logical names referenced in the file specification must be defined with the /EXECUTIVE qualifier.
GOLD, Gold...

Facility: SCU, Screen Control Utility
Explanation: You pressed the Gold key (PF1) and the system is waiting for you to press another key to complete the Gold key sequence.
User Action: If you did not intend to press the Gold key, press the Gold key again to cancel the sequence.
INCDECRINV, /INCREMENT and /DECREMENT are invalid for this data type.

Explanation: The /INCREMENT or /DECREMENT qualifier (or option bit) is not valid for the Variables data type.
User Action: Correct your code or command or change the Variables data type.
INPUTREQ, Input is required.

Facility: SCU, Screen Control Utility
Explanation: You left a field blank and the field is a required entry.
User Action: Enter a value for the field or, press the [Exit] key to abort the entry.
INTERR, Internal error, please submit an SPR.

Explanation: This error should never be encountered.
User Action: Please submit an SPR.
INVACK, Invalid ACK, serial number !XL, status !XL, NWIP !UL

Explanation: The message logs an invalid ACK from a remote network process. The message will be resent.
User Action: If this is a common occurrence, please submit an SPR.
INVANSWER, Invalid answer, reply YES, NO, Y or N.

Explanation: You entered an invalid answer to a confirmation prompt.
User Action: Respond with YES, NO, Y or N.
INVBATCHQ, Invalid batch queue specified.

Explanation: The specified queue is not a valid batch queue.
User Action: Enter a valid batch queue.
INVBOOLEAN, Invalid boolean value, enter T, F, Y, N, 0 or 1.

Explanation: You specified a value for a boolean Variable which is invalid.
User Action: Correct your code or command or change the Variables data type.
INVCHAR, Invalid Character.

Facility: SCU, Screen Control Utility
Explanation: You typed a character which is invalid for the current field, such as typing a letter into a numeric field.
User Action: None.
INVCONDITION, Invalid condition code, use the FIND key.

Explanation: You entered an invalid condition.
User Action: Use the [Find] key to list all of the valid conditions.
INVCTX, Invalid context passed in.

Explanation: You called JAMS_GET_DATA but the context you passed is not valid.
User Action: You must pass a valid context to JAMS_GET_DATA.
INVDATAID, Invalid data identifier.

Explanation: You called JAMS_GET_DATA but one of the data identifiers which you passed is not valid.
User Action: You must pass valid data identifiers to JAMS_GET_DATA.
INVDATATYPE, Supported datatypes are TEXT, INTEGER, DATE and TIME.

Explanation: The data type for parameters must be TEXT, INTEGER, DATE or TIME.
User Action: Enter a valid data type.
INVDATE, Invalid date.

Explanation: The date entered is not valid.
User Action: Enter a valid date in the form MM/DD/YY.
INVFORMAT, Invalid format.

Explanation: You entered a format which is not valid for this parameters data type. Clear the field or press the [Find] key to list the valid formats.
User Action: Enter a valid format.
INVFUNC, Invalid function detected during parsing of job.

Explanation: While parsing a job, JAMS found a function reference which does not exist in the System's template library.
User Action: Correct the job file or add the text module to the template library.
INVIL, Invalid Item List.

Explanation: The item list passed to the JAMS routine is not valid or is missing required information.
User Action: Correct your program.
INVLENGTH, The length must be between 1 and 80.

Explanation: The length of a text parameter must be between one and 80 characters long.
User Action: Enter a number between 1 and 80.
INVMBXTYPE, Invalid message type of x received in the registration mailbox.

Explanation: An invalid message was placed in the JAMS monitor mailbox.
User Action: Please submit an SPR.
INVPARAM, Invalid Parameter name.

Explanation: Parameter names must be valid VMS symbol names. They also must not begin with the text "JAMS_".
User Action: Enter a valid parameter name.
INVPARSE, This entry must be Y (Yes), N (No) or J (Jacket).

Explanation: You entered a character other than Y, N or J.
User Action: Correct your entry.
INVPERIOD, Invalid period.

Explanation: The date period specified is not valid.
User Action: Select a valid period.
INVPRINTQ, Invalid print queue specified.

Explanation: The specified queue is not a valid print queue.
User Action: Select a valid print queue.
INVRETDSC, Invalid return descriptor.

Explanation: You called JAMS_GET_DATA but one of the return descriptors which you passed is not valid.
User Action: You must pass valid return descriptors to JAMS_GET_DATA. Also, the data type of the return descriptor must be compatible with the data type of the data identifier.
INVSCHDATE, Invalid schedule date.

Explanation: The date specified is not a valid date specification.
User Action: Enter a valid date specification.
INVSEVERITY, Invalid severity code, must be S, I, W, E or F.

Explanation: The severity code must be S (Success), I (Informational), W (Warning), E (Error) or F (Fatal).
User Action: Enter a valid severity code.
INVSPECIFIC, Not valid for this Date Type, use the Find Key.

Explanation: You entered a Specific date type which is not valid for this date.
User Action: Press the [Find] key to list the valid Specific Date Types.
INVSYMNAME, Name must start with A-Z, contain A-Z, 0-9, $ and underscore.

Explanation: This name must be a valid VMS symbol name. This means that it must begin with an alphabetic character and contain only the characters A-Z, 0-9, $ (dollar sign), and _ (underscore). Also the last character may not be an underscore.
User Action: Enter a valid name.
INVTEXT, Invalid characters in text value

Explanation: A Variable with the data type of TEXT can only contain printable ASCII characters. Any characters outside the range of ASCII 32 through 127 will cause this error.
User Action:
INVUSERNAME, This is not a valid VMS username, not found in SYSUAF.

Explanation: You entered a VMS username which could not be found in the default system authorization file (SYSUAF). If you want to specify a username in a System definition, your must first create the username in the SYSUAF file.
User Action: Select a different username, leave the username field blank, or add the desired username to the SYSUAF file.
INVWORKDAY, Non-workday processing must be S, I, or D. (Schedule, Ignore, Defer)

Explanation: You tried to enter an invalid value into the non-workday processing field.
User Action: The valid values are S (Schedule the job even on non-workdays), I (Ignore the job on non-workdays) or D (Defer the job until the next workday).
ISFMEM, Insufficient memory for allocation of dynamic data areas.

Explanation: JAMS could not allocate additional virtual memory.
User Action: A user or system quota has been exceeded, check the PGFLQUO value in the users UAF record, also check the SYSGEN parameter VIRTUALPAGECNT and make sure that there is adequate page file space.
JCQREADERR, Unable to read JCQ record ## at dd-mmm-yyyy

Explanation: A record in the JCQ file could not be read. The RMS status value should follow this error and provide additional information about why the read failed.
User Action: Please submit an SPR.
JCQUPDERR, Unable to update JCQ header record at dd-mmm-yyyy

Explanation: The header record in the JCQ file could not be updated. The RMS status value should follow this error and provide additional information about why the update failed.
User Action: Please submit an SPR.
JCQWRITERR, Unable to write JCQ record ## at dd-mmm-yyyy

Explanation: A record in the JCQ file could not be written. The RMS status value should follow this error and provide additional information about why the write failed.
User Action: Please submit an SPR.
JOBNIIL, Job or Setup not specified in Item List.

Explanation: The item list which you passed did not contain either a Job name or a Setup name.
User Action: Correct your program.
JOBNOTFOU, Job not found.

Explanation: The specified job was not found in the JAMS database.
User Action: Enter a valid Job Name.
JOBONFILE, This Job is already on file.

Explanation: You are in Add mode and the Job Name which you entered is already defined.
User Action: Select a different Job Name or use Modify mode.
JOBQUEERROR, Fatal VMS queue manager error at dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm

Explanation: The VMS queue manager returned and error which JAMS regards as fatal. The JAMS_SCHEDULE process will shutdown so that it can restart on a node with a working queue manager.
User Action: Check and correct your VMS queue manager.
JOBSINSYS, There are still Jobs with this System I.D., deletion not allowed.

Explanation: You cannot delete a System which still has Jobs, Setups or Menus which refer to it.
User Action: Delete all references to the System before you delete the System.
LINKERROR, Link error to node !AS

Explanation: A DECnet link to a remote node encountered an error. The status which caused the error is also displayed.
User Action: If the status which caused the error is not explainable, please submit an SPR.
LINKFAILURE, Link to node !AS failed

Explanation: A DECnet link to a remote node failed. The status which caused the failure is also displayed.
User Action: If the status which caused the failure is not explainable, please submit an SPR.
LINKNAK, Link replied with NAK

Explanation: A remote node replied with a NAK. The message will be resent.
User Action: If this is a common occurrence, please submit an SPR.
LISTTRUNC, List has been truncated, too much data found to list it all.

Explanation: JAMS list screens have a limit of 64K bytes. If this limit is exceeded, the list is truncated so some of the requested information is not displayed.
User Action: Enter more restrictive selection criteria.
MBXERR, Error accessing monitor mailbox.

Explanation: The JAMS_REGISTRAR program encountered an error while trying to open the mailbox to the Monitor process.
User Action: Please submit an SPR.
MENUNOTFOU, Menu not found.

Explanation: The specified Menu is not in the JAMS database.
User Action: Enter a valid Menu name.
MENUONFILE, This Menu is already on file.

Explanation: You are in Add mode and the Menu Name which you entered is already defined.
User Action: Select a different Menu Name or use Modify mode.
MIAJOB, Declared Job MIA on dd-mmm-yyyy.

Explanation: A batch job which was being monitored by JAMS has disappeared. When the Monitor process discovers a missing job, it uses this message to record this abnormal event in the log file.
User Action: This should never happen. If it does, please submit an SPR.
MJALRCOMPLETED, This Job has already completed.

Explanation: You tried to modify a job and it has already completed.
User Action: None.
MJALRRUNNING, This Job is already running.

Explanation: You tried to release or reschedule a job and it is already executing.
User Action: None.
MJNOJOBS, No jobs selected for display.

Explanation: There are no jobs which meet your selection criteria. The Job monitor will re-display this message every 15-20 seconds until there are jobs which should be displayed.
User Action: None.
MJNOTRUNNING, This Job is not running.

Explanation: You tried to requeue a job and it is not executing.
User Action: None.
MONALRSTART, The JAMS monitor has already been started.

Explanation: You tried to start the JAMS monitor when it was already running.
User Action: Don't do this.
MONSHTDWN, MONITOR shutting down on dd-mmm-yyyy.

Explanation: A monitor shutdown was requested.
User Action: None.
MONSHTREQ, MONITOR shutdown requested on xxxxxx.

Explanation: A shutdown was requested, the monitor is shutting down.
User Action: None.
MONSHTRUN, MONITOR shutdown requested on xxxx with ## jobs still executing.

Explanation: A shutdown was requested, the monitor is shutting down. However, there were still batch jobs running whose completion will not be monitored.
User Action: If you want to maintain accurate execution history, wait until all batch jobs have completed before you shutdown the JAMS monitor.
MONSTART, MONITOR starting up on dd-mmm-yyyy.

Explanation: Logs the date and time that the monitor started.
User Action: None.
MUSTBEBW, This entry must be either B (Better) or W (Worse).

Explanation: You entered a character other than B or W.
User Action: Correct your entry.
MUSTBEYN, This entry must be either Y (Yes) or N (No).

Explanation: You must enter a Y or a N. In some cases, you may leave the field blank.
User Action: Enter a Y, N or blank.
MUSTFILL, This field must be filled.

Facility: SCU, Screen Control Utility
Explanation: You entered a value into a field which did not completely fill the field and the field must be completely filled.
User Action: Correct your entry or, blank the field.
NETNOTRESP, NETWORK process was started but is not responding.

Explanation: The JAMS_MONITOR process is trying to start a network process but it does not seem to be working.
User Action: Please submit an SPR.
NETNOTRUN, NETWORK process is not running.

Explanation: You issued the STOP NETWORK command and there is not a network process running.
User Action: None.
NETNOTRUNNING, The JAMS NETWORK process may not be running.

Explanation: There is work for the network process but is is not running.
User Action: If the network process is in fact running, please submit an SPR.
NETSTART, NETWORK process is starting up.

Explanation: This message logs the start of a net JAMS_NETWORK process.
User Action: None.
NEWLOG, Creating new JAMS.LOG log file in JAMS_DATA:

Explanation: This message is issued in response to the RENEW LOG_FILE command.
User Action: None.
NOCHARAVAIL, No available characteristic numbers.

Explanation: JAMS needs to use VMS queue characteristics to control the execution of batch jobs. When the JAMS_SCHEDULE process starts up, it checks for the JAMS characteristics and will define them if they are not found.

This message is issued if JAMS cannot define the characteristics because there are no available characteristic numbers.
User Action: Review your VMS queue characteristics and delete at least one of them.

NODEGNOTFOU, Node Group not found.

Explanation: The specified Node Group was not found in the JAMS database.
User Action: Enter a valid Node Group Name or, use the Find key.
NODEGONFILE, This Node Group is already on file.

Explanation: You are in Add mode and the specified Node Group is already on file.
User Action: Select a different Node Group name or use Modify mode.
NODENOTFOU, Node Definition not found.

Explanation: The specified Node Definition was not found in the JAMS database.
User Action:
NODEONFILE, This Node Definition is already on file.

User Action: Enter a valid Node Definition name or, use the Find key.
NODESHUT, JAMS shutdown requested.

Explanation: You issued the STOP MONITOR command.
User Action: None.
NODOCLOCATION, The Documentation Location is not specified.

Explanation: You must specify the Documentation Location in the System Definitions before you can create documentation for a System or any of the Job's in the System.
User Action: Define the Documentation Location in the System Definition.
NOFIND, Sorry, FIND is not available for this field.

Facility: SCU, Screen Control Utility
Explanation: You pressed the FIND key while the cursor was in a field which does not have a Search routine associated with it.
User Action: None.
NOHELP, Sorry, help is not available for this field.

Facility: SCU, Screen Control Utility
Explanation: You pressed the Help key while the cursor was in a field which does not have any help text associated with it.
User Action: Press the Help key again to obtain full screen help.
NOHISTORY, No History records found which match the selection criteria.

Explanation: This is self explanatory.
User Action: Modify your selection criteria. Remember that the Job Name uses VMS wildcards. Entering "ABC" will list only the Job "ABC". If you want to list all Jobs which start with "ABC", then enter "ABC*".

Also remember that the date range applies to the Jobs submit date.

NOJCQHEAD, Unable to read JCQ header record at dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm.

Explanation: The JCQ file is corrupt.
User Action: Please submit an SPR. Perform the following steps to recover your JCQ.DAT file.
  1. Stop the Monitor and Schedule processes on all nodes in the VAXcluster.
  2. Delete all versions of the JCQ.DAT file in the directory pointed to by the logical name JAMS_DATA.
  3. Restart the Monitor and Schedule processes.
NOJOBS, No Jobs found which match the selection criteria.

Explanation: This is self explanatory.
User Action: Modify your selection criteria. Remember that the Job Name uses VMS wildcards. Entering "ABC" will list only the Job "ABC". If you want to list all Jobs which start with "ABC", then enter "ABC*".
NOMENUENTRIES, There are no entries in this menu.

Explanation: You selected a Menu line item but, the menu built from the selected menu definition did not have any entries.
User Action: Correct the menu definition.
NOMENUS, No Menus found which match the selection criteria.

Explanation: This is self explanatory.
User Action: Modify your selection criteria.
NONWIPHEAD, Unable to read NWIP header record at !%D.

Explanation: The NWIP file may be corrupt.
User Action: Please submit an SPR.
NOPARAMS, There are no Parameters defined for this Job or Job Setup.

Explanation: You pressed [Gold/P] but this Job or Setup does not have any Parameters.
User Action: None.
NOREPORTS, There are no Reports defined for this Job.

Explanation: You pressed [Gold/R] but this Job does not have any Reports.
User Action: None.
NOSETUPS, No Setups found which match the selection criteria.

Explanation: This is self explanatory.
User Action: Modify your selection criteria.
NOSPECIFIC, This Date Type does not have any Specific Types.

Explanation: You pressed the [Find] key to list the valid Specific Date Types for the current Date Type but this Date Type does not have any valid Specific types.
User Action: You are not allowed to enter a Specific Date Type.
NOTIMPLEMENT, Function is not implemented

Explanation: This message code is returned when you call an entry point in the JAMS sharable image which has not been implemented.
User Action: If this message is returned by a JAMS program, please submit an SPR. If this message is returned to user-written code, please check your code. You can call our technical support line if you cannot determine the cause of the problem.
NOTRGS, No Triggers found which match the selection criteria.

Explanation: There are no Triggers whose name matches the wildcard expression which you entered.
User Action: Change your wildcard expression or add the Trigger.
NOVARS, No Variables found which match the selection criteria.

Explanation: There are no Variables whose name matches the wildcard expression which you entered.
User Action: Change your wildcard expression or add the Variable.
NWIPREADERR, Unable to read NWIP record !ZL at !%D

Explanation: The NWIP file may be corrupt.
User Action: Please submit an SPR.
NWIPUPDERR, Unable to update NWIP header record at !%D

Explanation: The NWIP file may be corrupt.
User Action: Please submit an SPR.
NWIPWRITERR, Unable to write NWIP record !ZL at !%D

Explanation: The NWIP file may be corrupt.
User Action: Please submit an SPR.
OBSFILSTR, Obsolete file structures, please refer to the Installation Guide.

Explanation: There is a mismatch between your JAMS software and data file structure. This may happen when you install a new version of JAMS and you do not upgrade all of your JAMS data files.
User Action: Refer to the installation instructions for information on how to upgrade your data files. Generally this is performed by the installation procedure. If the installation procedure did not upgrade your JAMS database, the command procedure JAMS_CONVERT_DATABASE in the SYS$UPDATE directory can be used to to this.
OPENERR, Unable to open JAMS database file xxxxxx.

Explanation: JAMS could not locate, or could not open, one of the files which makes up the JAMS database.
User Action: You will see this problem when the JAMS start-up file (JAMS_STARTUP.COM) has not been executed. This procedure defines JAMS logical names and installs images with the privileges they will need to open the JAMS database.
OPENJCQ, Unable to open JCQ file.

Explanation: The JOB Completion Queue file (JCQ.DAT) could not be opened.
User Action: Make sure that the JAMS start-up file (JAMS_STARTUP.COM) has been executed.
OPENNWIP, Unable to open NWIP file.

Explanation: The NWIP file cannot be opened.
User Action: Please submit an SPR.
PARSEERR, Error while parsing the Job file.

Explanation: JAMS could not parse the Job's command file. This message should be followed by additional messages which will provide more detailed information about why the command file could not be parsed. Usually, this is caused by an error in the command file or in a template customization.
User Action: Review subsequent messages and correct the problem.
PENDING, Job was submitted but has not started yet.

Explanation: This message code is used on job history records between the time that a job is submitted and the time that it actually starts executing.
User Action: None.
PRECHKSAME, The pre-check job cannot be the same as the job itself.

Explanation: A Job cannot have itself as a Precheck Job. This would cause in endless loop because a Precheck Job could also have a Precheck job.
User Action: Correct your entry.
PRESSKEY, Press any key to continue.

Facility: SCU, Screen Control Utility
Explanation: JAMS is displaying some information and waiting for you to confirm receipt of the information.
User Action: "Press any key" actually means almost any key. Depending on the application, there may be active function keys.
RCVUNREGTRM, Received a termination message for an unregistered job.

Explanation: The JAMS_SCHEDULE process received a termination message for a job which it did not know about.
User Action: Please submit an SPR.
RECCNG, Another user has changed this record while you were working.

Explanation: When you are using the JAMS_MASTER sub-system to update the JAMS database, the data you are working with is not locked while it is displayed on your terminal. After you have made your changes and pressed Return, the data is re-read, and a time stamp is compared to the time stamp when you initially read the data. If these two times are different it means that someone else has modified the exact same data you were working with between the time it was displayed on your terminal and the time you pressed Return.

This approach to record locking reduces locking problems but results in the possibility of this problem occurring.
User Action: When this error is detected, the data you were working with is re-read and displayed on the terminal. You may notice the changes made by the other user. You should review the data, re-enter your changes and press Return.

REDIRERROR, Error encountered when redirecting a network request.

Explanation: When a JAMS_MONITOR process was trying to redirect a connection request to the node in the VAXcluster which is running the JAMS_NETWORK process, an error was encountered. The status which caused the error is also displayed.
User Action: Please submit an SPR.
SCHMSGMAX, Too many messages stacked up.

Explanation: The messages which the JAMS_SCHEDULE process sends out to Job Monitors were stacking up. The JAMS_SCHEDULE process will restart.
User Action: Please submit an SPR.
SCHNOTRESP, SCHEDULE process was started but is not responding.

Explanation: The JAMS Schedule process has been started but is not responding. This indicates a serious problem.
User Action: Check the Schedule log file for messages which will help determine the reason for the failure of the Schedule process. The name of the log file is JAMS_DATA:SCHEDULE.LOG. If you cannot determine the cause of the schedule process failures, please submit an SPR.
SCHNOTRUN, SCHEDULE process is not running.

Explanation: You issued the STOP SCHEDULE command and there is not a schedule process running.
User Action: None.
SCHNOTRUNNING, The JAMS SCHEDULE process may not be running.

Explanation: The JAMS Schedule process is not doing it's job, even though the process exists. This is not a normal condition, if it persists or occurs frequently, please submit an SPR.
User Action: Make sure that the JAMS schedule process is indeed running. Most of the time, this message is caused because the node which is running the schedule process has suspended operations or is hung.

If the node running the Schedule process is not hung, try stopping and restarting the Schedule process with the STOP SCHEDULE and START SCHEDULE commands.

If this does not solve the problem, stop the Schedule process and check the Schedule log file for messages which will help determine the reason for the failure of the Schedule process. The name of the log file is JAMS_DATA:SCHEDULE.LOG. If you cannot determine the cause of the schedule process failures, please submit an SPR.

SCHSHTDWN, SCHEDULE process shutting down on dd-mmm-yyyy.

Explanation: Logs the date and time that the Schedule process shut down.
User Action: None.
SCHSHTREQ, SCHEDULE process on !AS has been signaled to shutdown.

Explanation: Reply from the STOP SCHEDULE command.
User Action: None.
SCHSLOW, The JAMS SCHEDULE process seems slow.

Explanation: The JAMS Schedule process is not doing it's job, even though the process exists. This is not a normal condition, if it persists or occurs frequently, please submit an SPR.
User Action: Make sure that the JAMS schedule process is indeed running. Most of the time, this message is caused because the node which is running the schedule process has a very heavy workload and the schedule process is indeed running slowly.
SCHSTART, SCHEDULE process starting up on dd-mmm-yyyy.

Explanation: Logs the date and time that the Schedule process started.
User Action: None.
SELFDEPEND, A Job may not depend upon itself.

Explanation: A Job may not depend upon it's own completion. If a Job did depend upon it's own completion and the Job ever failed, a subsequent run would remain in a pending state until manually released.
User Action: Dependencies must refer to a Job other than the one which the dependency is being defined for.
SETUPNOTFOU, Setup not found.

Explanation: The specified Setup is not in the JAMS database.
User Action: Enter a valid Setup.
SETUPONFILE, This Setup is already on file.

Explanation: You are in Add mode and the Setup Name which you entered is already defined.
User Action: Select a different Setup Name or use Modify mode.
SINCEDPND, The Since and Depend Job may not be the same Job.

Explanation: The Since Job and Dependent Job may not be the same because one a Job has completed twice, it has always completed since the last time it ran.
User Action: Choose a different Job for either the Since or the Dependent Job.
SPECINUSE, You deleted a Specific Type which is still in use !!

Explanation: While modifying a Date Type definition, you deleted a Specific Type which still has Dates defined for it.
User Action: Delete all Dates which reference the Specific Type before you delete the Specific Type.
STILLDATES, You must delete all of the dates of this type before deleting the type.

Explanation: You tried to delete a Date Type definition which still has Dates defined for it.
User Action: Delete all Dates which reference a Date Type before you delete the Date Type.
STILLDPND, There are still other Jobs with Dependencies which refer to this Job.

Explanation: You cannot delete a Job when other Jobs still depend upon the Job to be deleted.
User Action: Delete all of the dependencies which refer to this Job before you delete the Job. You can list the dependencies which refer to a particular Job by selecting the "References" option from the Job Definition screen.
STILLJOBS, MONITOR shutdown requested with ## jobs still executing.

Explanation: A shutdown was requested, the monitor is shutting down. However, there were still batch jobs running whose completion will not be monitored.
User Action: If you want to maintain accurate execution history, wait until all batch jobs have completed before you shutdown the JAMS monitor.
STILLSUPS, There are still Setups which refer to this Job.

Explanation: You cannot delete a Job which still has Setup definitions which reference the Job.
User Action: Delete all references to the Setup before you delete the Setup.
SYSNOTFOU, System I.D. not found.

Explanation: The specified System is not in the JAMS database.
User Action: Enter a valid System I.D.
SYSONFILE, This System I.D. is already on file.

Explanation: You are in Add mode and the System I.D. which you entered is already defined.
User Action: Select a different System I.D. or use Modify mode.
TERMNOHIST, History not found when job terminated.

Explanation: A jobs history record could not be found in the JAMS history file when the job terminated.
User Action: Please submit an SPR.
TIMEOUTRNG, This Job may not be scheduled at this time.

Explanation: The Job or Setup which you are trying to submit is allowed to run only during a specific portion of the day. This time period is displayed on the screen when you are submitting the Job.
User Action: Enter a time which falls within the allowed range.
TMBUERR, Unable to set the process termination mailbox.

Explanation: The JAMS_REGISTRAR program could not set this jobs termination mailbox. Additional messages may follow this one which will indicate why the mailbox could not be set.
User Action: This error can be a result of not running the JAMS_STARTUP.COM command procedure. Make sure that the JAMS_REGISTRAR program is installed with the required privileges.
TRGDISABLED, Trigger !AS disabled.

Explanation: The specified Trigger has been disabled.
User Action: None.
TRGENABLED, Trigger !AS enabled.

Explanation: The specified Trigger has been enabled.
User Action: None.
TRGISDISABLED, Trigger !AS is already disabled.

Explanation: The specified Trigger was not disabled because it is already disabled.
User Action: None.
TRGISENABLED, Trigger !AS is already enabled.

Explanation: The specified Trigger was not enabled because it is already enabled.
User Action: None.
TRGISSET, Trigger !AS is already reset.

Explanation: The specified Trigger was not reset because it is already enabled.
User Action: None.
TRGNOTFOU, Trigger not found.

Explanation: The specified Trigger was not found.
User Action: Correct your entry.
TRGNOTRESET, Trigger !AS NOT reset, it is disabled.

Explanation: The specified Trigger was not reset because it is disabled.
User Action: Enable the Trigger.
TRGONFILE, This Trigger is already on file.

Explanation: You are trying to add a Trigger which is already on file.
User Action: Correct your entry or use Modify mode.
TRGRESET, Trigger !AS reset.

Explanation: The specified Trigger has been reset.
User Action: None.
TRYAGAIN, The precheck job will try again later.

Explanation: If a Precheck Job exits with this status, no notification is performed and the Precheck job will be resubmitted after the number of minutes specified in the Job definition.
User Action: None.
UNDEFKEY, Undefined function key.

Facility: SCU, Screen Control Utility
Explanation: You pressed a function key which does not have a defined action.
User Action: None.
USERINIT, JAMS_SCHCALLUSER initialized at dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm

Explanation: This message will appear in the SCHEDULE.LOG log file when your JAMS_SCHCALLUSER routine is successfully initialized.
User Action: None.
VARNOTFOU, Variable not found.

Explanation: The specified Variable was not found.
User Action: Correct your entry.
VARONFILE, This Variable is already on file.

Explanation: You are trying to add a Variable which is already on file.
User Action: Correct your entry or use Modify mode.
WASEXECUTE, Job was executing, final status unknown.

Explanation: This message code is used on job history records when the final disposition of a Job is unknown.
User Action: You will see this message if JAMS was started when the job began execution but not when the job completed.
WASPENDING, Job was pending, final status is unknown.

Explanation: This message is used on job history records when a job was successfully submitted but has not been seen since.
User Action: This may see this message if JAMS was not started when the job actually executed. A job will also receive this status if it did not register (by running JAMS_REGISTRAR in the system-wide login command procedure) and the JAMS_SCHEDULE process was not running when the job ran.

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JAMS Copyright © 2000, MVP Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.