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JAMS Reference Manual

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1.2 System Definitions

Systems are used to place Jobs into logical groups. The items specified in a System definition apply to all of the Jobs in the System. System security is very important. System security defines who may manipulate Job definitions within the System and who may submit Jobs for processing.

Systems can be maintained with the screen, command or Motif based interfaces.

1.2.1 System I.D.

The System I.D. is a unique identifier for a System. A System I.D. must be a valid OpenVMS identifier. This means that it must begin with an alphabetic character and contain only the characters A-Z, 0-9, $ (dollar sign), and _ (underscore). Also the last character may not be an underscore.

1.2.2 Description

The description is used in menus, lists and reports to provide a more complete description of the System than provided by the System I.D.

1.2.3 Security

If you select the Security option and you have CONTROL access to the System (or the OpenVMS BYPASS privilege), the System's Access Control List will be displayed. You can then make modifications to the ACL. The following access rights can be specified:
Right Meaning
CONTROL Allows modification of this System's Access Control List.
MONITOR_JOBS Allows Jobs in this System to display in the Job Monitor.
CHANGE Allows modification of this System definition provided that the user also has CHANGE access to System Definitions.
INQUIRE Allows inquiry into this System definition provided that the user also has INQUIRE access to System Definitions.
DELETE Allows deletion of this System definition provided that the user also has DELETE access to System Definitions.
SUBMIT Allows submission of Jobs in this System.
DEBUG Allows submission of Jobs in this System but only if the /DEBUG qualifier is used on the JAMS SUBMIT command. This qualifier will submit the Job under the users OpenVMS username rather than the OpenVMS username specified in the System Definition.
JOB_ADD Allows addition of new Job Definitions to this System.
JOB_CHANGE Allows modification of existing Job definitions in this System.
JOB_INQUIRE Allows inquiry into existing Job definitions in this System.
JOB_DELETE Allows deletion of existing Job definitions in this System.
DEFINE_SETUP Allows manipulation of Setup Definitions for Jobs in this System.
OPERATOR Allows the user to use the JAMS Job Monitor to hold, reschedule, release or delete an occurrence of a Job in this system.
ABORT_JOBS Allows the user to use the JAMS Job Monitor to abort or restart an occurrence of a Job in this system.
Note that in order to change a Job definition's System I.D., you must have JOB_DELETE access to the old System I.D. and JOB_ADD access to the new System I.D.

1.2.4 Notify Names

The Notify Names screen is used to define who should be notified when a Job in this System requires notification. Notification is required when:

The fields on this category include:

OpenVMS Mail Address

This is a list of OpenVMS Mail addresses, separated by commas. If a Job in this System requires notification, a OpenVMS mail message will be sent to this list of addresses.

OpenVMS REPLY Username List

This is a list of OpenVMS usernames, separated by commas. If a Job in this System requires notification, a message will be broadcast to these users (if they are logged on at the time.)

Operator Classes

This is a list of OpenVMS operator classes, separated by commas. If a Job in this System requires notification, a message will be sent via OPCOM to these operator classes.

Valid OpenVMS operator classes are:

OPER1 through OPER12

Notification Job Name

This is the name of a JAMS Job which should be submitted when notification is required.

If the Notification Job is parsed then the following predefined parameters are available:
JAMS_NOTIFY_ENTRY The OpenVMS queue entry number of the job which caused the notification.
JAMS_NOTIFY_JAMS_ENTRY The JAMS entry number of the job which caused the notification.
JAMS_NOTIFY_JOB_NAME The Job Name of the job which caused the notification.
JAMS_NOTIFY_JOB_STATUS The current Job Status value of the job which caused the notification.
JAMS_NOTIFY_LOG_FILENAME The full file specification of the log file for the job which caused the notification.
JAMS_NOTIFY_MAIL_ADR The list of names which will be notified via OpenVMS Mail.
JAMS_NOTIFY_OPER_CLASSES The list of OPCOM classes will receive an operator message.
JAMS_NOTIFY_PID The process ID of the job which caused the notification.
JAMS_NOTIFY_REASON The reason for the notifications. This parameter could be: COMPLETED, FAILED, SHORT, RUNAWAY, STALLED or MISSED_WINDOW.
JAMS_NOTIFY_REPLY_USERS The list of names which will receive a broadcast message.
JAMS_NOTIFY_RON The JAMS run occurrence number of the job which caused the notification.
JAMS_NOTIFY_STATUS The final status of the job which caused the notification.
JAMS_NOTIFY_SUBMITTED_BY The username which submitted the job which caused the notification.
JAMS_NOTIFY_SYSTEM_ID The JAMS System I.D. of the job which caused the notification.

1.2.5 Notify Options

Stalled Job

The Stalled Time specifies how much time may elapse after a jobs scheduled time before the job is considered to be stalled. When the job is considered stalled, JAMS will perform notification for the job.

Runaway Job Elapsed Time

The Runaway Job Elapsed Time Percent specifies how long a job may run before it is considered a runaway job. This is specified as a percentage of the jobs average elapsed time. When the job is considered runaway, JAMS will perform notification for the job.

Runaway Job CPU Time

The Runaway Job CPU Time Percent specifies how much CPU time a job may consume before it is considered a runaway job. This is specified as a percentage of the jobs average CPU time. When the job is considered runaway, JAMS will perform notification for the job.

Short Job Elapsed Time

The Short Job Elapsed Time Percent specifies a minimum elapsed time for a job. If the job completes successfully in less than this amount of time it is considered a Short Job. This is specified as a percentage of the jobs average elapsed time. When a job is determined to be a short job, JAMS will perform notification for the job and may change the completion severity of the job.

Short Job CPU Time

The Short Job CPU Time Percent specifies a minimum CPU time for a job. If the job completes successfully but used less than this amount of CPU time it is considered a Short Job. This is specified as a percentage of the jobs average CPU time. When a job is determined to be a short job, JAMS will perform notification for the job and may change the completion severity of the job.

Short Job Completion Severity

If specified, when a job is determined to be a Short Job, the completion severity will be changed to the severity specified here.

1.2.6 Submit Options

The Submit Options form is used to specify values which are used when Jobs in this System are submitted. The fields on this screen include:

Default Batch Queue

The default batch queue specifies to which OpenVMS batch queue Jobs in this System should be submitted. This queue can be overridden in the Job definition. If left blank, SYS$BATCH is the default.

Retain in Queue

Specifies the default retention policy for Jobs in this System. The options are:

Scheduling Priority Modifier

This number is used to calculate the scheduling priority for Jobs in this System. This number may range from -127 to 127, the default being 0. When a Job is submitted by the JAMS submit sub-system, the scheduling priority is calculated by adding together the OpenVMS default scheduling priority, the System's priority modifier and the Job's priority modifier.

Submit under OpenVMS Username

This field specifies a valid OpenVMS username under which Jobs in this System will be submitted. You can use this feature to limit a persons access capabilities to only the capabilities of the Jobs within a System. For example, you could grant a user the ability to submit jobs in the PAYROLL System, but use OpenVMS file protection to prevent them from accessing any of the Payroll files. When the user submits a Payroll Job, the Job would execute under a different OpenVMS username which would have access to the Payroll files.

You must have either the CMKRNL privilege or SUBMIT access to the Username which you specify. See the JAMS SET USERNAME command for information on setting access to Usernames.

1.2.7 LOG File Options

The Log File Options screen is used to specify how .LOG files should be handled. These options apply to all Jobs in this System. The fields on this screen include:

Keep Logs

When the field is true, or "Y", batch log files will not be deleted at the completion of the Job.

Print Logs

When the field is true, or "Y", batch log files will be printed when the Job completes.

Time Stamp .LOG File Names

When the field is true, or "Y", batch log files be time stamped with an extension of .LOG_yyyymmdd_hhmmsscc.

Log Location

This field specifies the OpenVMS device and directory where batch log files should be placed. If left blank, they are placed in SYS$LOGIN.


If you specify a Log File Directory, you must make sure that the OpenVMS username which the Jobs in this System will execute under has write access to the directory. Also, if the files in the specified directory have a version limit, the OpenVMS username must have delete access to the oldest version of a log file (assuming that the version limit has been reached).

Print Queue

This field specifies which OpenVMS print queue batch log files should be printed on, if they are printed at all. If left blank, SYS$PRINT is used.

1.2.8 Resources

The Resources option will display a list of the Resource requirements which are currently defined for this System. All of the Jobs and Setups in this System will inherit these Resource requirements.

Resource requirements can also be specified at the Job or Setup level.

1.2.9 Print Options

The Print Options option is used to set values which are used when a Job has defined Reports. The fields on this screen include:

Default Print Queue

The default print queue specifies to which OpenVMS print queue Reports in this System should be printed. Report definitions are part of a Job's definition. This queue can be overridden in the Report definition. If left blank, SYS$PRINT is used.

Location for Print Files

This field specifies the OpenVMS device and directory where print files should be placed. If left blank, they are placed in SYS$LOGIN. This field is only used by Jobs which are parsed.

1.2.10 Source Options

The Source Options option is used to set values which govern where job source files are located and how they are accessed. The fields on this screen include:

Location of Job Source Files

This field specifies the OpenVMS device and directory where Job Source files are located. This may also be a logical name which equates to a device and directory.

Is Location Required

If the location is required then the device/directory specified in the "Job Source Location" field is the required location. A device/directory specification in a Job Definition will be ignored.

If the location is not required, then the value in the "Job Source Location" field is used as a default which may be overridden in a Job Definition.

Use Secure Logical Names

A secure logical name is one which is defined with the /EXECUTIVE qualifier.

If Jobs in this System will run under a privileged username, we strongly recommend that you use only secure logical names.

Template Library

This field specifies the full filename of a OpenVMS text library which contains the JAMS templates used when parsing a Job. Refer to Chapter 5, Templates and Job Parsing for a complete description of template libraries. If you do not specify a complete filename, the unspecified portions are taken from the file specification "JAMS_DATA:JAMS_TEMPLATE.TLB"

Any logical names referenced by this specification must be defined with the /EXECUTIVE qualifier.

1.2.11 Documentation Location

The Documentation Location option is used to specify the device/directory where documentation files for this System should be located.

With this version of JAMS, documentation files are limited to restart/recovery instructions for Systems and Jobs.

1.2.12 Recovery Instructions

The Recovery Instructions option is used to edit or view this System's restart/recovery instructions. These instructions are included in the OpenVMS mail message which is sent if a Job in this System fails.

You can also create restart/recovery instructions at the Job level.

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JAMS Copyright © 2000, MVP Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.