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The JAMS_SET_VARIABLE routine is used to update the current value of a JAMS Variable.


JAMS_SET_VARIABLE variable-name,



VMS usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value



VMS usage: string
type: string
access: read only
mechanism: by descriptor

The name of the Variable whose value you want to modify. You can access a Variable on a remote node by specifying the remote node name and access control information in the standard DECnet format.


VMS usage: various
type: various
access: read only
mechanism: by descriptor

A descriptor of the data item which will be the new value of the Variable. This may also be a value which is added to or subtracted from the Variable's current value, depending on the options specified.


VMS usage: bit mask
type: longword (unsigned)
access: read only
mechanism: by reference

A Longword options bit mask. Each bit in the longword corresponds to one option. You can initialize this longword by ORing (or adding) together one or more of the following symbols.
Symbol Function
JAMS_M_INCREMENT The Variable's value should be incremented by the value passed in the variable-value argument.
JAMS_M_DECREMENT The Variable's value should be decremented by the value passed in the variable-value argument.
JAMS_M_CURRENT Valid only for date and/or time Variables. The Variable should be set to the current date and/or time. The variable-value argument is ignored.


The JAMS_SET_VARIABLE routine can be called when you want to modify the current value of a JAMS Variable.

Return Values

JAMS_VARNOTFOU Variable not found.
JAMS_INVRETDSC Invalid return descriptor.

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