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Invoke the screen based environment.
The MENU command is used to enter the full-screen, menu based mode. Refer to the JAMS User Guide for additional information on using the screen based environment.
The screen based environment requires an SMG compatible terminal.
/CONNECTIONS (default)
The /CONNECTIONS qualifier enables the [Gold/C] function key to allow a user to establish connections to remote nodes. The function key is available from History Inquiry, Job Submission and Monitor Current Jobs./DEBUG
/NODEBUG (default)
The /DEBUG qualifier specifies that Jobs should be submitted in debug mode. This mode is used by programmers to test and debug Jobs. When a Job is submitted in debug mode, it is always submitted under the OpenVMS username of the person making the request. If the System definition specifies a OpenVMS username, it is ignored.When submitting a Job in debug mode, the logical names used during Job parsing do not need to be defined at the executive level. This enables a programmer to define logical names in their process specific logical name tables which will direct the JAMS parsing routines to a test version of the Job source files and/or the Systems template library.
The /MENU qualifier is used to specify a valid Menu Name which will be used to build the initial menu when the Job Submission option is selected.The default is to search for the logical name JAMS_DEFAULT_MENU which specifies the top level Menu Name. If this logical is not defined, or defined incorrectly, System based menus will be used when submitting a job.
Bypasses the JAMS Main Menu and invokes the specified menu option. The valid values for the menu option are:ACCESS - Security Maintenance
CONFIGURATION - Configuration Maintenance
DATES - Date Definitions
DTYPES - Date Type Definitions
HISTORY - History Inquiry
JOBS - Job Definitions
MENUS - Menu Definitions
MONITOR - Monitor Current Jobs
SETUPS - Setup Definitions
SHOW_JOBS - Show Current Jobs
SUBMIT - Job Submission Menu
SYSTEMS - System Definitions
TRIGGER - Trigger Definitions
VARIABLE - Variable Definitions/PROMPT (default)
If you specify /NOPROMPT, you will not be prompted for the values for a Job's parameters or report overrides. Default values are taken instead./SET_SYMBOLS
/NOSET_SYMBOLS (default)
If you specify /SET_SYMBOLS, a DCL symbol will be defined, or updated, for each of the Job's parameters. The symbol name will be the same as the parameter name, and the value will be the value used when submitting the Job.If a symbol is being created, it is created in the local symbol table. If it is being updated, it is updated in whichever table it is currently defined.
/SUBMIT (default)
The /NOSUBMIT qualifier is useful when you are testing a Job definition or a template library. If you specify /NOSUBMIT, the job is not submitted to a batch queue. Instead, a file is created in the current default directory with the name of the Job and an extension of .JAMS. This file contains the parsed Job Source file exactly as it would be submitted to a batch queue./SYSTEM[=system_id]
The /SYSTEM qualifier is used to specify that System based menus should be used when the Job Submission option is selected. A single level menu will be built which contains all of the Job and Setup definitions for the specified System.If you do not specify a System I.D. all of the available Systems are presented as the top level menu.
/USE_SYMBOLS (default)
If the /USE_SYMBOLS qualifier is specified, either explicitly or by default, when JAMS is building a parameter screen, it will use the value of DCL symbols whose names match a parameter's name for the parameter's default value.When JAMS determines the default value for a parameter, it takes the following steps:
- Use the default value entered in the parameter definition.
- If a Setup is being submitted, use the default value from the Setup's parameter screen.
- If /USE_SYMBOLS is specified, see if there is a DCL symbol with the same name as the parameter and use the symbol's value, if defined.
In this example, the user will be placed at the main menu of the screen based environment. If they select the Job Submission menu option, the menu displayed will be the menu named TOP_PAYROLL.
In this example, the user will be placed in the Job Submission menu option of the screen based environment. The menu displayed will be the menu named TOP_PAYROLL.
In this example, the user will be placed at the main menu of the screen based environment. Any jobs submitted with the Job Submission menu option will be submitted in debug mode.
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